Robo-advisors have a positive impact on behaviour and risk-adjusted returns in settings where individuals retain overall control .
Key Points
Amundi’s research highlights that robo-advisors have a positive impact on behaviour and risk-adjusted returns in settings where individuals retain overall control (i.e. automatic portfolio rebalancing is not used)
Investors’ attention, trading activities and risk-taking increases, resulting in greater returns (approx. +2% per annum) being achieved. Yet, the negative effect of not implementing automatic rebalancing is very small.
The alerts sent by the robots are an effective tool in inducing individuals to rebalance their portfolios towards their target allocations (the probability of rebalancing increases by 29%).
Investors are less likely to follow the robot’s recommendations during bear markets. The probability of rebalancing trades being triggered by alerts during a bear market (e.g. October - December 2018) is significantly lower (22.5%) than during other more buoyant market periods (48%).
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